A Collaborative & Intuitive Workspace for Numbers

In the workplace, the ability to make data-informed decisions is indispensable. Yet many of us still find pen and paper easier than wrestling with a spreadsheet.

This is what Klaro is about. It simply shouldn't be that hard.
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A whole new feeling

Unlike Anything You've Ever Experienced Before

Klaro is not just a new, intuitive way to perform calculations and analysis. It’s a total rethink of how we engage in quantitative thinking and decision making. Gone are the days of endless cell merging, static dashboards and soul-crushing accounting grids.

With Klaro, you'll even be surprised to find working with numbers... fun.
Expansive Canvas

Designed for how you actually work

Instead of an endless grid, Klaro is built around intuitive blocks placed across a flexible canvas, giving you the freedom to move everything around at will and organise your work any way you choose.  Oh, and no need for styling - in Klaro everything looks beautiful by default.
Introducing Blocks & Variables

A new, easy way to build

Blocks are components with built-in features that make it easy to build your analysis step by step without getting overwhelmed.

Variables use plain English to define data points, making them easy to reuse and combine in formulas. No more #REF! or $Sheet1!BL$12!

Together they make analysis quick to build, impossible to break, and easy to understand, replacing anxiety with confidence.
Interactive & Playful

Effortless Experimentation

Bring your numbers to life with remarkably simple scenarios and play with different outcomes through simple UI interactions.The easiest way to understand something is to turn it into a picture.
Reusable Content

Never start from scratch

In Klaro, content is built right into the core of the product, allowing you to reuse your work easily and share assets and libraries with your team.

You can also use content from Klaro and its community, such as data benchmarks and templates, directly within the product.

Designed for collaboration

Step into a collaborative canvas, enabling individual work within a shared space, allowing you to combine your contributions and build on each other’s work.

AI native power

With AI natively integrated into the product, it seamlessly enhances your work through modifiable outputs, helpful explanations and personalised recommendations.

Action-led command bar

Complete any action in seconds with the global command menu. Start typing and get suggestions for the most likely actions based on your keywords and selection.

Fantastic on mobile

Finally! A mobile experience that doesn’t suck. Don’t be limited by access to your desktop, work on the go. Plus, moving those sliders feels really satisfying :)
Numerical data and analysis make up an immense part of our lives. Yet, for many of us it’s one of the parts we dread the most. Complex tools make us feel inadequate, rather than lifting us up. Frustrated by unnecessarily high skill barriers and inadequate flexibility we end up back in a spreadsheet which works exactly the same as when it was introduced nearly 40 years ago. Walking on egg shells across an intertwined web of non-descriptive formulas that break at the slightest of missteps. An enforced grid that feels more like a prison than a workspace.

Sheets, infinite data tables and flat dashboards have become so ingrained in the world of numbers, that we’re no longer able to imagine anything else. Today, most solutions are promises of faster horses. We’re stuck in this endless loop of building more powerful, faster versions of the same thing.

But more than raw power, we need intuitiveness. More than automation and shortcuts, we need guidance. More than an incremental step, we need a fresh start.

On this page you’ve seen an early manifestation of that. A playful, visually stunning experience that allows you to not only perform your calculations but understand them deeply. A collage of connected, interactive, data-driven pictures. A world where everything adds up, beautifully.

The best — maybe the only? — real, direct measure of “innovation” is change in human behaviour. We hope to change your relationship with numbers. Turning it from a scary foe to your best friend and companion, allowing you to make better data-informed decisions more often. We’re not going to launch rockets into space, find a cure for cancer, solve affordable housing or reverse climate change. But if we try hard, we might build a helpful tool for those that do - i.e. you!

If this excites you, please reach out. Email me, add me on LinkedIn, contact us any hour of the night. We have made it our life’s mission to make you successful, and we’re going to do whatever it takes to achieve that.
CEO & Founder
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